jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Zarate (in English)

After many troubles the flag arrived to Zarate.
Here are few pictures and The Story of the responsible of receiving the flag in this city: Male.

...Well as many of you know the mail almost looses the flag, I had to go 2 days in a row to fight with everybody at the postoffice until they recovered the flag but oh well, inspite of so many setbacks I could recover it in perfect conditions =]

I was going to do the mission with another 2 girls but after many issues and complications we couldn’t get together, so in the firsts pictures you’ll only see me with the flag, so as my niece (who took the photos) and her husband who led me everywhere with his car and supporting me in my madness for taking the photograph on the Zarate-Brazo Largo bridge.

Luckily on Sunday I could meet Stefania for taking some pictures to her with the flag. The pictures were taken at the welcome sign at the entrance of the city, on the Zarate-Brazo Largo bridge, at different places of the river side (with the bridge as background) and at the train’s station´s sign. Thank you very much to the girls who trusted and sent the flag to me; to my niece Mayra, her husband Paulo and my godson Benjamin for helping with the photographs, to Stefania and Lucia (who beacuse of personal issues couldn’t take part) KISSES TO EVERYBODY and let the flag keep traveling across the country.


Translation by Vanu

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